Guess who's back...back again! So, I am finally returning to blogging! I went MIA for quite some time due to the chaos of working and graduate school. However, the school year is beginning to wind down, which means I am graduating from my master's program! Compared to the last few years of my life, I will now have SO much more time on my hands. As we all know, the Coronavirus has drastically changed and affected all of our lives. So, I decided now would be the perfect time to get back into blogging since we are all stuck at home, looking for things to do. I am excited to be back on the blog writing about all of the adventures I have had during my absence, as well as past trips I have not yet written about. I decided to start off by writing about what I have been doing during quarantine to keep busy. I hope these ideas help you get through this difficult time.
1) Animal Crossing (or any Nintendo Switch Game)
Sooo many people have been playing Animal Crossing during this time, especially since this game was just released on March 20th. For those that are not aware, Animal Crossing is a Nintendo game that has been around for years, however, they have recently revamped the game. This newest addition is Animal Crossing: New Horizons. Basically, your human character has been sent to an isolated island to begin a village, with the help of Tom Nook, of course. This includes building houses, designing various areas throughout your island, crafting new items, recruiting new villagers, and much more. You even have to pay off your mortgage to upgrade your house, partake in daily chores, and so much more. It is almost like living real life, but in a game format. You need to play it yourself to find out it's all about!
DISCLAIMER: It is highly addictive and has taken over my life😂
2) Read, Read, Read
Throughout these last few years, I have found that I have not had the time to "read for fun" anymore. Now is the perfect time to read the books that you have kept pushing to the side. Even though it can be difficult to acquire new books at this time, you can re-read books that you have not read in years. In many cases, you will read the book from a new perspective!

**Please do not mind my messy bookshelf**
3) Binge Watch your Favorite TV Show
Those of you that are fans of the show Criminal Minds know that the show finally came to a close a few months ago (15 seasons later). BUT, did you know the first 12 seasons are currently available on Netflix? This is literally the only show I have been watching during quarantine. Even though I am a huge fan of the show, I have not watched the earlier seasons in order from start to finish. I am using this time to go back and re-watch all of the episodes in order. If you have never watched this show, I highly recommend it!
4) Return of the Puzzle

I read somewhere that puzzle companies are more successful now than they have been in years, which I definitely believe! On social media, I have seen so many people working on puzzles in order to pass the time. I have completed a couple of puzzles over the course of the last month, which is something I have not done in forever. It's a great way to pass the time, while feeling somewhat productive!
5) Teach Yourself Something New/Revive an Old Hobby
Many people are using this time to learn something new, whether it is teaching yourself a new instrument or learning a new language. Additionally, many people, like me, are using the time to revive an old hobby. In my case, I am starting to blog again since I now have the time, as well as feel motivated to do so. These are great ways to make yourself feel more productive during a time when you may feel at an all time low.
6) Make Funny Videos (TikTok)
As many of you know, TikTok is the latest social media app to take over the lives of many. Essentially, this app allows you to make short, funny, creative videos with either popular music or original sound. Although I do not personally have the app, I have watched TikToks, and they are very entertaining. So, why not try making your own video? I created a funny TikTok with my cat, and it was truly a fun way to pass the time. I now have a hysterical video to look back on. I wish I could post it here, but unfortunately, WIX does not allow me to post videos to my blog, only pictures😢
7) Go on Walks
Ever since quarantine has started, I have found myself taking every opportunity I can to get outside and go on a walk. While I have mainly been doing this in my own neighborhood, I have also gone to local parks (when they are not crowded). Walking is a great way to get some much needed fresh air and exercise. Don't forget to take you dog with you!!

8) R-E-L-A-X

Now is the time to truly relax (if you are able to do so during this time). Everyone always says how they wish they can stay home, so now is the time to finally do it and relax. This can include sleeping in late, taking long, hot showers, or doing anything mentioned on this post. Make sure you continue to take care of yourself, as well as your family and friends. Do whatever you need to do in order to keep positive, healthy, and safe. I hope this post gave you some ideas on how to keep busy during this time of uncertainty.
Stay healthy and safe,